Where ever I am
I´ll be thinking of you
In Spain or in France
You´ll hunt me like glue
All the glory of Scotland
All the wonders in Greece
They wont match your beauty
They wont match my pain
The search for my love
The hunt to be happy
I Will travel the earth
Where are you?
All this money I spent
To all these countreis i went
I was searching for you
All this time you were here
Right by my side
Right in my lap
why did´nt I noteist
You by my side all the time.
I´ll be thinking of you
In Spain or in France
You´ll hunt me like glue
All the glory of Scotland
All the wonders in Greece
They wont match your beauty
They wont match my pain
The search for my love
The hunt to be happy
I Will travel the earth
Where are you?
All this money I spent
To all these countreis i went
I was searching for you
All this time you were here
Right by my side
Right in my lap
why did´nt I noteist
You by my side all the time.
Himm filgist með nafninu næst komandi ár International Lovers..