Who ever i'm with,
When ever i'm with,
i'll always lesave
for you.
Deep in my heart
you find love and hope.
I'll always be you'res
and never go.
My heart burns
everytime i think
of you.
My heartache hurts
like hell, cause
together were not.
I love you to much
too tell you cause
i'm afraid,
afraid you'll reject.
Because you have
another girl,
and i'm alone
and always will be.
When ever i'm with,
i'll always lesave
for you.
Deep in my heart
you find love and hope.
I'll always be you'res
and never go.
My heart burns
everytime i think
of you.
My heartache hurts
like hell, cause
together were not.
I love you to much
too tell you cause
i'm afraid,
afraid you'll reject.
Because you have
another girl,
and i'm alone
and always will be.
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