Blekking óttans
He is sitting in a sofa, trying to
keep his eyes open, the pipe is
right in front of him, and the mirror
is screaming to him, common pussy!!!
Try to catch the snow, remember
when we where friends, i was good to you.
I gave you new friends, excuse me, I GAVE YOU FRIENDS
I didin have any before me.
The sweat startid to run, he crap his chest
the heart where exploding
he kneeld down and asked God for help,
he cryed out to Him, take this pain if your there.
He fealt like a breeze coming down his neck,
and something crap his hear, and pulled his head.
The pain was unbearable,
he was passing out.
That something let go of his hear,
and gave him a stroke down his spine
Suddenly he could stand up, the pain was gone.
A white big light was in front of him,
and he perceived great love and integrity,
You are my savior, he said. Then suddenly
the light chanced into a big shaddow.
I fooled you there, use what i gave you
I gave you power and money, girls, drug,
what more do you whant, and i´ll give you that.
I want real love, from my savior
Jesus Christ, and i´ll tell you that,
that i dont want your money, drugs or the girls.
Go away, satan, you can have your drugs
but you will never ever have forever life.
Þetta ljóð er samið í einhverji fílingu sem Guð veitti mér.
Það eru villur og allt það, en ég vil ekki heyra um villur mínar heldur endilega kommentiði á ljóðið sjálft. Gagnrýni ef hún er góð á alltaf rétt á sér
He is sitting in a sofa, trying to
keep his eyes open, the pipe is
right in front of him, and the mirror
is screaming to him, common pussy!!!
Try to catch the snow, remember
when we where friends, i was good to you.
I gave you new friends, excuse me, I GAVE YOU FRIENDS
I didin have any before me.
The sweat startid to run, he crap his chest
the heart where exploding
he kneeld down and asked God for help,
he cryed out to Him, take this pain if your there.
He fealt like a breeze coming down his neck,
and something crap his hear, and pulled his head.
The pain was unbearable,
he was passing out.
That something let go of his hear,
and gave him a stroke down his spine
Suddenly he could stand up, the pain was gone.
A white big light was in front of him,
and he perceived great love and integrity,
You are my savior, he said. Then suddenly
the light chanced into a big shaddow.
I fooled you there, use what i gave you
I gave you power and money, girls, drug,
what more do you whant, and i´ll give you that.
I want real love, from my savior
Jesus Christ, and i´ll tell you that,
that i dont want your money, drugs or the girls.
Go away, satan, you can have your drugs
but you will never ever have forever life.
Þetta ljóð er samið í einhverji fílingu sem Guð veitti mér.
Það eru villur og allt það, en ég vil ekki heyra um villur mínar heldur endilega kommentiði á ljóðið sjálft. Gagnrýni ef hún er góð á alltaf rétt á sér