I try to call for help
no replay or answer
I just wish I could talk
and hear a your voice
You helt me when needed
so warm and helping
You are a friend I want
to keep my spirit up
Asking what is wrong
when something is
Always seem to know
as sadness comes
Does my hurting always show
or do you read my mind
I quietly ask these questions
wondering just hoow
Smiling to you thanking
just for who you are
Thank you for the support
and trying to help
no replay or answer
I just wish I could talk
and hear a your voice
You helt me when needed
so warm and helping
You are a friend I want
to keep my spirit up
Asking what is wrong
when something is
Always seem to know
as sadness comes
Does my hurting always show
or do you read my mind
I quietly ask these questions
wondering just hoow
Smiling to you thanking
just for who you are
Thank you for the support
and trying to help