my hands are tied
I\'m stuck in this cave
my sword so far away
and I have more than myself to save
all I have is a rose
maybe it\'s magical
nobody knows
where I am
I hear the dragon coming
untie myself
get my sword
have to hide
and slay the dragon
to save my bride
jump out and kill the beast
and on its flesh I feast
ride back to my kingdom
where my servants scream in despair
cause their king was gone
but where
noone knew
but now I\'m back
coutinue to rule
and try to be fair
and not cruel
I\'m stuck in this cave
my sword so far away
and I have more than myself to save
all I have is a rose
maybe it\'s magical
nobody knows
where I am
I hear the dragon coming
untie myself
get my sword
have to hide
and slay the dragon
to save my bride
jump out and kill the beast
and on its flesh I feast
ride back to my kingdom
where my servants scream in despair
cause their king was gone
but where
noone knew
but now I\'m back
coutinue to rule
and try to be fair
and not cruel