-By all means
By hope and death
-Love for all
Love for the small
-Find the flame
Find yourself
-Flame of love
Flame of hate and hope
-Hide your feelings
Hide your hopes
-Shadows are my sorrows
Shadows are my followers
-Being loved
Being followed and wanted
-Wanted by the past
Wanted dead or alive
-Death is not an option
Death you shall not fear
-Flaming life
Live in eternal joy and entertainment-
By hope and death
-Love for all
Love for the small
-Find the flame
Find yourself
-Flame of love
Flame of hate and hope
-Hide your feelings
Hide your hopes
-Shadows are my sorrows
Shadows are my followers
-Being loved
Being followed and wanted
-Wanted by the past
Wanted dead or alive
-Death is not an option
Death you shall not fear
-Flaming life
Live in eternal joy and entertainment-