The grass always seems to be
so much greener
on my neighbours grave
But he doesn’t have the view I’ve got,
Over on my left hand side
You see,
Really cute blond with a lovelyskeleton,
Just lying next to me
And the dirt around her smells so nice,
On her grave there are no rats or mice
She has only got one vice,
And that is she’s got lice
On her skull.
When I stroll around in the park of graves
I always follow her, in a haze
She has me in a daze
They say that Jesus saves
But they’re lying
In death the devil is your only hope for salvation
But I think I have found a new way to redemption
And that is
The girl in the grave on my left hand side
The girl in the grave on my left hand side
I keep looking at her, she’s sleeping so sweet
And the thigh bones are so beautifully shaped, the bones in her legs all are-all the way down to her feet
She has got the nicest shaped skull I have ever seen,
In a love affair with her the downsides that I can see are only one
And that downside is:
I was buried alive
so much greener
on my neighbours grave
But he doesn’t have the view I’ve got,
Over on my left hand side
You see,
Really cute blond with a lovelyskeleton,
Just lying next to me
And the dirt around her smells so nice,
On her grave there are no rats or mice
She has only got one vice,
And that is she’s got lice
On her skull.
When I stroll around in the park of graves
I always follow her, in a haze
She has me in a daze
They say that Jesus saves
But they’re lying
In death the devil is your only hope for salvation
But I think I have found a new way to redemption
And that is
The girl in the grave on my left hand side
The girl in the grave on my left hand side
I keep looking at her, she’s sleeping so sweet
And the thigh bones are so beautifully shaped, the bones in her legs all are-all the way down to her feet
She has got the nicest shaped skull I have ever seen,
In a love affair with her the downsides that I can see are only one
And that downside is:
I was buried alive
Æj,mér datt þetta í hug þegar einhverjir sem æfa karate með mér og eru saman í læknisfræði voru aðtala um hvernig var hægt þekkja kven- og karlmannshauskúpur í sundur...merkilegt umræðuefni það.Textinn er samt ekki um neitt voða heimspekilegt eða eitthvað álíka.