My date of birth kept in memory of a bartender (pt. one).
And the drive-in felt forever as the midnight clock was in pattering mood for the whiskey crushed air to sashay with his pall on the road to nowhere and every now and then he warbles the love song he wrote overnight or two; "Feeling her hand in mine", and with a lover´s blood he wrote a song about his only friend, "the cigarette smoke and smell of pint is truly my brand." Beloved son and holy; "father, this is my only. God knows where I´ll stand in five years but the miles are boundless and for my miry feet the end is just back then when I crossed the land of this no-win inn... so my life isn´t over, oh no my dearest, but I feel it´ll never start. So I wonder... what are angels when they die? People say they live forever, but I´m not sure, are they alive?"  
Viktor Kaldalóns
1987 - ...

Ljóð eftir Viktor Kaldalóns

Sær í átt að sæng.
Ástarljóð til hins visna.
Minn kæri vin... það mun versna.
Málverk stöðnunar.
St. Coll.
Windows blow in like ten thousand ice floes upon the snowy quarters.
The brighter side of the day goes down in three, two, one...
The first lightpost on St. Coll.
My date of birth kept in memory of a bartender (pt. one).
My date of birth kept in memory of a bartender (pt. two).
It feels like dying, you know...
Our graves undulate with fever.
Fáninn lágreisti.
The regent roads to nowhere; the end of the world.
Just like the corner of all nights.
Just like the corner of the day...
Anddyrið kringum sviðið.
Væg túlkun.
The dead queen and us.
Endir á litblæ, hulinn bær.
Líflaus blómstrun.
Skýrar, en þó svo daufar.
Dálæti; og ástin bíður ósigur.
Brotin umgjörð.
Svartur er sjórinn.
Horfin fjarvera.
Og allt varð grátt.
Ljóðið fannst aldrei.
The lively queen and us.
Tilvonandi Eilífðartími.
Dökk spor.
Í eyði.
The prime of the queen.
Sýningin tælandi á sviði slökknandi borgarljósa.
Upstream they went towards the valley.
Contiguous grapevine, old and all around.
Carry a no-win mist inside God´s acre.
With only a wire and death attached.
Drizzling in tween the rest.
Without a pole star and wherries to take us home.
I will leave you dumfounded just like before.
Heilög borg?
Well lit allure of anesthesia.
My naked naiad.
Pharisaic lifetime of a saint.
Einfari; loftmengun.
Þú og ég.
Örvilnun skýjaglópana.
Sjónarhorn skuggsælla engla í sorgarklæðum.
Lof efstu svalanna.
Það er að stytta upp.
Vöggugjöf launmorðingjans.
Fjárhagsörðugleikar nútímablíðu.
Von er...
Vonleysi er...