And the whole house could have burned,
a little part of today
is now way too much for those who care,
we should have burned inside.
The clock nearly ticking its way out,
in the kitchen, a church basement,
below the elderly need of time,
and its epoch stopped and stared.
Should we really care?
We surely need a comforter in this town,
girl, this is wakefulness we enshrine,
in all its story, the holy glory,
of a man walking upon life without an end.
Should we start over again?
Proceed your age,
give me a first aid,
for I´m semisacred.
a little part of today
is now way too much for those who care,
we should have burned inside.
The clock nearly ticking its way out,
in the kitchen, a church basement,
below the elderly need of time,
and its epoch stopped and stared.
Should we really care?
We surely need a comforter in this town,
girl, this is wakefulness we enshrine,
in all its story, the holy glory,
of a man walking upon life without an end.
Should we start over again?
Proceed your age,
give me a first aid,
for I´m semisacred.