When I first met you I knew it was true
Your eyes could make me cry
Because the beauty came from you
I could feel the perfection walking by
But could such a perfection be real
I never knew such a girl
I cannot describe the way I feel
I could not give her to the world
Do I have what it takes to ask you out
Will you ever look at me and say
That your loving is no doubt
And you will love me every day
All my heart, you I give
You are the one I love
Rest of my life, with you I live
So I might fly on wings above
All my love I give to you
This world has given me only madness
Murdering you is what I might do
So I might die in sadness
I love you so deep
I just really do
I put you down in neverending sleep
So I may always be with you
Now, again, I will never see your face
Because I murdered you in cold blood
And send you to a better place
Where you will be taken in warm embrace
Your eyes could make me cry
Because the beauty came from you
I could feel the perfection walking by
But could such a perfection be real
I never knew such a girl
I cannot describe the way I feel
I could not give her to the world
Do I have what it takes to ask you out
Will you ever look at me and say
That your loving is no doubt
And you will love me every day
All my heart, you I give
You are the one I love
Rest of my life, with you I live
So I might fly on wings above
All my love I give to you
This world has given me only madness
Murdering you is what I might do
So I might die in sadness
I love you so deep
I just really do
I put you down in neverending sleep
So I may always be with you
Now, again, I will never see your face
Because I murdered you in cold blood
And send you to a better place
Where you will be taken in warm embrace
Um mann sem elskar konu svo heitt að hann myrðir hana vegna þess að heimurinn er ekki nógu góður fyrir hana!