My life is great and my future is bright
I succeed conquer the night
My heart is beating again too
Now, when I’m in love with you
There are a lot of things I need to do
I’ve been putting to many feelings on hold
I look better am I told
Fresh look and smile upon my face
And my hate has gone without a trace
No more a prisoner behind the bars of pain
Only joy and happiness are going through my brain
One thing made it all be true
Now, when I’m in love with you
I succeed conquer the night
My heart is beating again too
Now, when I’m in love with you
There are a lot of things I need to do
I’ve been putting to many feelings on hold
I look better am I told
Fresh look and smile upon my face
And my hate has gone without a trace
No more a prisoner behind the bars of pain
Only joy and happiness are going through my brain
One thing made it all be true
Now, when I’m in love with you
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