My friend, I just wanted to say
What ever happens, I’m here for you every day
No matter what you do, I’ll follow you all the way
You’ve been there for me every time I needed you
I know I don’t need to pay you back but I have too
You don’t know how much I care for you my friend
I’ll stay with you all till the end
I will never leave you behind
Because a friend like you, is hard to find
Every time I thought my future was all black
I knew I could depend that you got my back
I would never hurt you in any way
You are just a perfect friend, I must say
One day I will pay you back
You’ve helped me to keep going the right track
If there wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here
I feel like I’m something when you are near
Feel like something that is worth to live for
I think I’m a failure, but you make me feel I’m more
I never had a perfect friend like you before
And I’ll never have another friend that compares to you
I’ll forgive every mistake you may do
Even if you wreck my car I won’t ask you why
I’ll stand by your side until the day I die
I would take a bullet in the head if you would tell me too
I have so much respect for you
Doggy dogg forever friends
I’ll be there for you till our life ends
I know I haven’t been as good as I should
If you told me too go to hell, I would
My words are real
I’m only writing how I feel
Don’t take this in a wrong way
Don’t think I’m gay
I’m just saying what is need to say
One love dawg, straight on
I pray our friendship will never be gone
What ever happens, I’m here for you every day
No matter what you do, I’ll follow you all the way
You’ve been there for me every time I needed you
I know I don’t need to pay you back but I have too
You don’t know how much I care for you my friend
I’ll stay with you all till the end
I will never leave you behind
Because a friend like you, is hard to find
Every time I thought my future was all black
I knew I could depend that you got my back
I would never hurt you in any way
You are just a perfect friend, I must say
One day I will pay you back
You’ve helped me to keep going the right track
If there wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here
I feel like I’m something when you are near
Feel like something that is worth to live for
I think I’m a failure, but you make me feel I’m more
I never had a perfect friend like you before
And I’ll never have another friend that compares to you
I’ll forgive every mistake you may do
Even if you wreck my car I won’t ask you why
I’ll stand by your side until the day I die
I would take a bullet in the head if you would tell me too
I have so much respect for you
Doggy dogg forever friends
I’ll be there for you till our life ends
I know I haven’t been as good as I should
If you told me too go to hell, I would
My words are real
I’m only writing how I feel
Don’t take this in a wrong way
Don’t think I’m gay
I’m just saying what is need to say
One love dawg, straight on
I pray our friendship will never be gone