No. 26
Not needing to impress fortune
God could have created an ugly world
deserted, broken and forlorn
without us ever knowing the difference
but due to some obscure reason
fathomable only to his intricate mind
he blessed us with unending beauty
dazzling our eyes with a thousand colors
of purple, yellow and blue
creating species of every hue and diversity
and while we as children
cry out in pain
(because we don´t understand)
we cannot but acknowledge
the infinite extent
of his eternal love.  
Ingibjorg Elsa Björnsdóttir
1966 - ...
Ljóð þetta birtist í ljóðabókinni The colors of life árið 2003.

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Nr. 30
Án titils
Nr. 18
No. 26
Nr. 13
Nr. 75