Sometimes it seems
the world is full
of roses.
Nothing could ever
go astray.
Hopes and dreams
that fill your soul
in doses.
Seems it will never
go away.
Do you think life is dandy?
Flowers and lots of candy?
Walking on purple clouds?
Not ever feeling doubts?
There’s one thing I think you should know,
life isn’t what you think, although
it’s important to focus on good
things, that make us feel happy inside
Cos the more of us think good we could
get rid of the bad, and then guide
the people that need it away
from bad, and get the good thoughts to stay!
Life is dandy!
Flowers and candy,
purple clouds!
Don’t listen to doubts!
Life is great!
Just open the gate,
and let in the love,
the hope and white doves!
Life is dandy!!