Sex with a minor
You look just like Angelina Jolie
Over there so naked and pretty
I move towards you slowly
Like little furry kitty

An animal sweating and moving
So gracefully through the bushes
I was thinking about removing
But she just pushes and pushes

Jesus Christ I’m gonna explode
I’m not wearing protection
This is gonna be the motherload
That’s what they call perfection

I take it out and I go straight down
There’s no reason you should worry
I open so wide you could call me a clown
Here it’s nice and furry
I come, you come, we come your parents come

That’s not a good thing
I take out my thumb
And try to hide my dinga-ling
Man why the hell was I so dumb

Now it’s just me
All alone
In my home
With my wee-wee
Having oh so much fun
Watching a priest fuck a nun
Sun Tzu
1992 - ...

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Sex with a minor
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