Sweet little countrymouse
Isis, confused angel queen
Goddess for those who chose you
Chained down by your own insecurities,
Life shall set you free

Fear of flying
Soaring high above
Cherry flavoured with chocolate sprinkles
Fading soul, looking fornew strength,
Keeping it hidden within yourself
So even you can\'t find it.
Little sister, mother,
Older than us all
Graceful, intelligent, beautiful
Lovely, trusting, insecure,
Smart, nice,
On the brink of a thumb,
It\'s called karma
The night is still young...

Who worships you when hope is lost?
Who listens when you cry?
You chose your stand, you knew the cost
Shoulder to cry on for everyone else
Moody, disoriented - unattainable goddess

Coldness and christmas, presents for all
Cafe Paris, birthday
Snowballs, trees, christmas lights
All you want is a hoola hoop and your new bracefree teeth
Darkness all around us

Dreams have a meaning
And you have dreams
If you have a meaning
Are you but a dream?

Seems like everyone around you is crazy
Do you not have one friend who is sane?
Are you?
Searching for diamonds among lumps of coal
Shining so bright
Little star, Little May Star

Always scared,
afraid of the simplest do wrongs
wonder why people find you childish

Lovely eyes
Good taste

Sweet little countrymouse

Anna, babe, I love you too.
You are better than you know (but I do!)
Others look up to you,
You look down on you,
Setting goals impossible to achieve  
1987 - ...
Tileinkað henni Önnu Margréti, kærri vinkonu og knúsmús.

Ljóð eftir Kisu

Tíu dagar tára
Sweet little countrymouse
Material Girl
Machine girl