Sleeping Beauty
All of the sudden,
All of my memories,
And my ugly past,
Comes flushing over me.

In one fast flashback,
I see my whole past,
Passing by,
In front of me.

I want to help her,
I really do, I want it so bad,
But only to see her face,
It makes me sad.

I see her crying,
And she’s screaming for help,
But no one will ever even try,
And that’s why, I cry.

I try to run over to her,
But don’t want to come to close,
I just stood there, looked at her,
And my body just froze.

Couldn’t do anything,
I couldn’t move, I couldn’t stand,
This is a feeling,
and it’s a quite new brand.

To me, a feeling,
That is really something new,
And it’s not so appealing,
From my heart, all emotions, is stealing.

I want to run to her,
Tell the kids to go away,
Tell her it’s ok,
Then I look around, and where are they?

I stand up,
And I run as fast as I can,
But it still was too late,
Oh how fast I ran.

Sleeping beauty,
Lying on the ground,
Move less,
Wide open eyes, big and round.

I see no movement,
And I hear no sound,
Only a puddle of blood,
That begins to grow.

Tears fill my eyes,
And the hater begins to grow,
How can these damn kids,
Lay so low?
Aldís Dagmar
1991 - ...
Um litla stelpu sem varð fyrir hræðilegu einelti...

Allir að berjast gegn einelti!

Ljóð eftir Aldísi Dagmar

Sleeping Beauty
Mikilvægi sjálfs míns
Inside my Head
Lognið á undan storminum
Verk í vinnslu
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