One of us....

Amasing things are happening.
I see everything twitching around
What is happening?
I didn\'t do this...

The eyes of the wich are watching,
and waiting,
they are waiting for the right moment.
You will never leave when your alife.
You can\'t your stuck,
You\'re stuck in the time of magic...

These things didn\'t happen
this isn\'t right
Why are you doing this?
Help me.
leave me alone
I didn\'t do anything

You will be punished
for what you have done to us
nothing can help you.
You will die soon
you will be betraied
like you betraied us...

I didn\'t betraied you.
I don\'t know you
why are you doing this?
I didn\'t kill you
I didn\'t even touch you
I don\'t know nothing...

The end is near
you have nowhere to go
you\'re stuck
you can\'t leave now
you\'re dead...

What are you talking about?
I\'m not dead
I\'m still alive
I didn\'t do anything
I\'m not dead
I\'m alife...

You\'re woice and our\'s have connected.
You are one of us.
You\'re not afraid anymore.
We belong to you,
like you belong to us.
How can we help...

You can\'t help me,
I\'m one of you,
I\'m not afraid.
My time has ended,
take me in your armes...

We take you as you like,
You\'re safe right now,
You\'re one of us now.
You\'re one of the demonds,
one of the demonds in the spirit-tree.





1983 - ...
Ég ætla aðeins að túlka þetta svo það verði enginn misskilningur :) Fyrsta erindið þá er stúlkan að tala, svo djöflarnir svo stúlkan og svo koll af kolli oki :)

Ljóð eftir Ólöfu

Ég get ei
Geðbilaður og veikur
Orð tjáningar
Vinátta og haf
Nakin kona
Sorgin nagar
Fjötrar Mannfólksins
Aldrei kemur þú
Ég elska þig
Ein og yfirgefin
Eins og tónlist
Láttu á það reyna !!
Ást þín býr í mér
Nakin, köld og blóðug
Verð að dreyma.
Ég og þú
One of us....
Að gefast upp
I thought I was.....
Stupid love
Hvað er hamingja?
Dísæt og súr
We\'ll meet again