I thought I was.....
I thought I was sad.
I thought I was blue.
That the night would never end.
I went for a walk,
I saw everybody were happy.

I took the train,
everyone were quiet.
I thought I was alone,
alone, sad and blue.

But then I saw two children.
Almost no clothes,
and no hope for them.
I realised,
I was not alone,
I was nothing.
1983 - ...

Ljóð eftir Ólöfu

Ég get ei
Geðbilaður og veikur
Orð tjáningar
Vinátta og haf
Nakin kona
Sorgin nagar
Fjötrar Mannfólksins
Aldrei kemur þú
Ég elska þig
Ein og yfirgefin
Eins og tónlist
Láttu á það reyna !!
Ást þín býr í mér
Nakin, köld og blóðug
Verð að dreyma.
Ég og þú
One of us....
Að gefast upp
I thought I was.....
Stupid love
Hvað er hamingja?
Dísæt og súr
We\'ll meet again