We\'ll meet again
I\'m all by myself
and I miss you alot.
Why did you go?
Why did the sea take you away from me.

I know I\'ll survife
I\'ll stay alife
I\'ll stand on my own
but I will always miss you.

When I think about the sea,
my eyes get full of tears
why did you do it?
why did you go?

When I look in a mirror
I think ,,I should go after him\",
but I can\'t do that
cause I know I gotta live.

I gotta finish my business
and when that is finished
cause I love you.
Though the death will do us apart
we\'ll always love eachother
so we\'ll meet again.
Soon in the ocean,
soon in the death,
soon in heaven.  
1983 - ...

Ljóð eftir Ólöfu

Ég get ei
Geðbilaður og veikur
Orð tjáningar
Vinátta og haf
Nakin kona
Sorgin nagar
Fjötrar Mannfólksins
Aldrei kemur þú
Ég elska þig
Ein og yfirgefin
Eins og tónlist
Láttu á það reyna !!
Ást þín býr í mér
Nakin, köld og blóðug
Verð að dreyma.
Ég og þú
One of us....
Að gefast upp
I thought I was.....
Stupid love
Hvað er hamingja?
Dísæt og súr
We\'ll meet again