I want to find a trace
I want to find a race
I want to find a face
Like yours
I hope we can be together
for ever,ever and ever
so promiss my that you will never
break my heart
\"I will never go away\"
That is what you say
I just have to be \"okey\"
And hope that in the end love will win
I want to find a race
I want to find a face
Like yours
I hope we can be together
for ever,ever and ever
so promiss my that you will never
break my heart
\"I will never go away\"
That is what you say
I just have to be \"okey\"
And hope that in the end love will win
Tileinkað aðila sem mér þykir rosalega vænt um...:D
06.01.05. Fríða Jóhanna
06.01.05. Fríða Jóhanna