A life with you
There was a time, I felt good,
I was happy
Everything was so beautiful and nice
People liked me
I liked me
I was free, I was innocent
I was a little girl

But then they came, and made me feel the way I did
They destroyed this part of my life,
I didn’t like me,
I thought nobody did
But I was wrong

You came
You came and helped me up
You told me that I was beautiful,
And I deserved to live my life
The way every woman dose
You are the one,
The one I want to spend my whole life with
I want to hold you
I want to kiss you,
I want your love everyday
I love you

Because, there was a time
I felt good
I was happy
Everything was so beautiful and nice
People liked me, I liked me
I was free, I was innocent
I was a little girl

Now I feel the same way
As I did when I was
A little girl
I am happy, I am free
All because of you
‘coz I’m with you
And you’re with me
And we’re in love

Don’t lose hope what happened to me can happen to you too, just wait…..love will conquer all!

14. mars 2003
Rannveig Iðunn
1987 - ...
-þetta ljóð samdi ég í 10. bekk, ég verð að segja að ég hefði samið þetta allt öðruvísi nú í dag en ég vil ekki breyta þessu! Á köflum finnst mér þetta flott en svo finnst mér það stundum barnalegt og soldið asnalegt......en svona var ástand mitt í 10. bekk....

Ljóð eftir Rannveigu Iðunni

A life with you
Locked inside
A life without hope is not a life at all
My imaginary world
You let me down
My dream is lost
Alone in the dark
Many kinds of me!
I’m in jail
Going away
Litla barn
Emma Rós
Svart hjarta
Síðustu andartökin
Fly Away
Guardian Angel
Takk fyrir
Anxiety vs. happiness
Enginn titill
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