My imaginary world
My world is full of imagination
My world is perfect
In my world I’m always happy
I’m not worried or stressed out
I’m carefree
I feel love all around me
I have reason to exist
I sing to everyone
And let them experience joy with me
They like it
I expose myself
I’m vulnerable
But they like it
They like me
They respect me
They are proud of me
But that’s not the real world
The real world is darker
It’s not as joyful
It’s all in my imagination
But I have to believe
Believe that it will come true
Rannveig Iðunn 26. nóv 2005
My world is full of imagination
My world is perfect
In my world I’m always happy
I’m not worried or stressed out
I’m carefree
I feel love all around me
I have reason to exist
I sing to everyone
And let them experience joy with me
They like it
I expose myself
I’m vulnerable
But they like it
They like me
They respect me
They are proud of me
But that’s not the real world
The real world is darker
It’s not as joyful
It’s all in my imagination
But I have to believe
Believe that it will come true
Rannveig Iðunn 26. nóv 2005