Maybe I´m no saint,
But I´m just as nice.
Perhaps I´m not in grace
With most people in existence.
But God loves me like I am his son.
I have got no visible scars on my face.
It is pretty just like yours.
They are all on my soul.
And she just to be in tatters and unclean
And my heart was broken.
But I had the fier in my eyes,
And my heart was willing to embrace
The Word of God and our savior Jesus Christ.
It may sound simple, but it was smart,
And it gave me my life and my peace back.
The Word cleaned up my soul
And restored my heart.
It is possible for every man
Who is walking on the crooked trail of life
To be cleaned by the power of the Word.
I never really fell from grace of God
I only managed to obtain it.
Now I pray that I can still keep it
In return for my service
Here on Earth and beyond.
I always had kindness in my soul
But my mind sometimes forgot it.
I stole and drank, and I lied and did drugs
Then I was alone with my guilt,
And my mind remembered my true value.
And in my past I was also blind to wisdom
But my eyes were open.
It is not good to be blind
When you can see, and have wisdom
In your soul and give back the kindness of the Lord.
I’m not perfect
But I am willing to be a better man.
And that is what God is seeking in mankind.
You only have to ask Him,
And He will open his heart for you.
It won’t happen over night
It may take days and years.
Be patient and slowly you will gain knowledge.
And you may stumble or fall
But true people stand up and keep on going in faith.
You may have a vision that no one else can see
And it may seem like the world is blind
Remember that all are not able
To see clear at night.
Just look up at the stars and keep on going in the name of
Jesus Christ the savior and God almighty
And if I do anything other than live in the Spirit
I will go back to my old self.
Perhaps not the same day
But I will slowly drift back
And lose myself to the temptation of the world.
This is written as a reminder
Of the power that God and the Word
Can give an unfortunate man like me.
Man who spent his youth incarcerated
For crimes against himself and his society.
But I´m just as nice.
Perhaps I´m not in grace
With most people in existence.
But God loves me like I am his son.
I have got no visible scars on my face.
It is pretty just like yours.
They are all on my soul.
And she just to be in tatters and unclean
And my heart was broken.
But I had the fier in my eyes,
And my heart was willing to embrace
The Word of God and our savior Jesus Christ.
It may sound simple, but it was smart,
And it gave me my life and my peace back.
The Word cleaned up my soul
And restored my heart.
It is possible for every man
Who is walking on the crooked trail of life
To be cleaned by the power of the Word.
I never really fell from grace of God
I only managed to obtain it.
Now I pray that I can still keep it
In return for my service
Here on Earth and beyond.
I always had kindness in my soul
But my mind sometimes forgot it.
I stole and drank, and I lied and did drugs
Then I was alone with my guilt,
And my mind remembered my true value.
And in my past I was also blind to wisdom
But my eyes were open.
It is not good to be blind
When you can see, and have wisdom
In your soul and give back the kindness of the Lord.
I’m not perfect
But I am willing to be a better man.
And that is what God is seeking in mankind.
You only have to ask Him,
And He will open his heart for you.
It won’t happen over night
It may take days and years.
Be patient and slowly you will gain knowledge.
And you may stumble or fall
But true people stand up and keep on going in faith.
You may have a vision that no one else can see
And it may seem like the world is blind
Remember that all are not able
To see clear at night.
Just look up at the stars and keep on going in the name of
Jesus Christ the savior and God almighty
And if I do anything other than live in the Spirit
I will go back to my old self.
Perhaps not the same day
But I will slowly drift back
And lose myself to the temptation of the world.
This is written as a reminder
Of the power that God and the Word
Can give an unfortunate man like me.
Man who spent his youth incarcerated
For crimes against himself and his society.
Fór í einn ensku tíma fyrir nokkrum árum og þó get ég skrifað þetta. Ég hugsa að það sé of mikið verið að láta fólk staga í Skólum á kostnað mikilvægrar reynslu. En að vísu verður maður að kynnast vísidóm. Hann er reyndar einnig að finna í lífinu sjálfu og er ekki einangrað fyrir bæri í háskólum. Það er til mjög gáfað og hæft fólk sem hefur ekki stigið fæti inn fyrir skóla síðan að loka bekk í barna skóla lauk og jafnvél til margir góðir menn sem ekki hafa klárað barnaskólan.
I do not speak tongues, that is not all given
I’m not in any congregation other than life itself but I’m thinking of becoming catholic.
I do not speak tongues, that is not all given
I’m not in any congregation other than life itself but I’m thinking of becoming catholic.